Dental MirrorMaster-Version 3!: Discover the New Courses 🎉
Ready to elevate your dental skills? MirrorMaster-Version 3 is here with a brand-new course structure designed to help you master indirect vision and precise control of the handpiece and mirror. Let’s dive into the updated lessons!
🏆 The Goal of MirrorMaster
The goal of Dental MirrorMaster is to help you develop the ability to remove caries and create restorative forms with precision using indirect vision. To achieve this, the app now offers step-by-step courses to guide your training.
🔑 Introducing the New Course Structure
1️⃣ Basic Course
This introductory course helps you:
Familiarize yourself with the placement of the handpiece and mirror.
Learn the basics of dental indirect vision through educational videos.
It’s the perfect starting point to build confidence and master the app’s controls.
2️⃣ Caries Tracing - Maxilla
This is where your indirect vision training truly begins!
Focus on maxillary indirect vision, which is one of the first and most common skills used in clinical practice.
The course shows how holding a handpiece is surprisingly similar to holding a smartphone, making it easier to transfer skills learned here to real clinical scenarios.
3️⃣ Caries Tracing - Mandible
Transitioning to the mandible is a whole new challenge!
Many struggle with indirect vision in the mandible because the handpiece position differs significantly.
This course is designed to help you adapt and master mandibular-specific techniques.
4️⃣ Cavity Preparation
Now it’s time to apply your skills to real clinical scenarios.
Practice forming cavities like Class I and II preparations commonly encountered in practice.
Each scenario mimics real-world cases, making it highly relevant for clinical application.
5️⃣ Access Cavity Design
In this course, you’ll train in endodontic access cavity preparation.
Use Dental EndoMaster to learn tooth anatomy and practice creating precise access cavity designs.
Strengthen your understanding of both the process and results.
6️⃣ Special Cases
Caries can appear anywhere on the tooth.
This course prepares you for unique and challenging cases you may encounter in clinical practice.
Train to remove caries from a variety of tooth surfaces with confidence.
🌟 Start Your Training Today!
Whether you’re just beginning or refining your skills, MirrorMaster-Version 3 provides a structured, effective way to master critical dental techniques. From maxillary to mandibular cases, and cavity preparation to special scenarios, there’s a course for every step of your journey.
👉 Download MirrorMaster Now and unlock your full potential in dental skill mastery.
Happy practicing! 😁